Baker, Kage - Where the Golden Apples Grow by Baker Kage

Baker, Kage - Where the Golden Apples Grow by Baker Kage

Author:Baker, Kage
Language: eng
Format: epub, pdf

“You idiot!” Bill shouted at him. “Don’t you know what happens if you try to pee out here?”

From the horror on Bill’s face, even behind the mask, Ford realized that he’d better get back in the cab as fast as he could.

When they were safely inside and the seals had locked, when Bill had finished yelling at him, Ford still sat shivering with more than cold.

“You mean it boils and then it explodes?” he said.

“You are such an idiot!” Bill repeated in disbelief.

“How was I supposed to know?” Ford said. “I’ve never been Outside before! We use the reclamation conduits at home—“


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